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Dangerous Questions to Avoid in an Interview


Is there a universal list of off-limits questions for every interview scenario?

Can the same rules apply to recent graduates and CEOs alike?

Discover why nuanced, well-researched questions are key.

Join me as I share insights from 20 years in international headhunting.

Learn to avoid common pitfalls and craft questions that showcase your preparation and understanding.

Elevate your interview game with tips to become a standout candidate.

Headhunters-International – YouTube

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The best UK cities for graduates to live and work in

New analysis from the UK’s leading independent job board, CV-Library, reveals the best UK cities for graduates to live and work in, based on a number of circumstances regarding pay, living costs and future prospects.

The findings reveal the following:

  • If you want a high starting salary: Glasgow and London command the highest graduate salaries (£26,195 and £25,909 per year) – the lowest salaries were for jobs in Birmingham (£21,823) and Newcastle (£20,757)
  • If you want a substantial pay rise in the future: While Birmingham has the second lowest starting salaries for graduates (£21,823), you can expect this to rise by 53.9% in the future. London and Newcastle also offer great prospects, with average pay in these cities being 52.8% and 50.2% higher than graduate salaries
  • If you want cheap rent: Sheffield and Newcastle are the cheapest cities for graduates to live in, with rent costing professionals £368 and £375 per month respectively. Unsurprisingly, London is the most expensive city to rent in (£698 per month), with Cardiff coming in second (£593)
  • If you want to buy a house in five years’ time: You only need to save 17.9% of your monthly salary if you live in Glasgow, which equates to £201.67 a month. In comparison, Londoners have to save 80.5% of their pay packet each month (£799.66!)
  • If you want more disposable income: After bills and rent, you can expect to have £1,158.37 leftover to spend each month if you live and work in Sheffield! That’s followed by Glasgow (£1,129.51) and Southampton £1,095.41). Professionals in Bristol have some of the lowest amounts of disposable income (£986.74)

Read More – https://recruitingtimes.org

June24619788 No Comments

Barclays offer graduates £550 to tackle interview costs

According to new research from Barclays, UK graduates spend an average of £550 attending job interviews before securing a job

The research which polled 1,000 graduates found that 48% of graduate jobseekers have to borrow money, take out credit cards or go into their overdrafts to fund expensive commuting fares to interviews, which makes finding a job inaccessible for many.

Jobseekers frequently spend £80 on buying appropriate clothing, £90 on travel and accommodation, £205 on resources to boost employability and £175 on software to enable upskilling – so the costs quickly rack up.

And, the survey revealed that 61% of prospective employers wouldn’t even cover the basic costs of an interview, while 54% have had to turn down interviews or not even applied (51%) because they know that they can’t afford to attend the interview.

So, to tackle this problem following results from the survey, Barclays are launching their Graduate Fund scheme to help student jobseekers access their careers more easily.

Graduates can apply for grants from the £20,000 pool of ‘free money’ to make attending interviews more affordable. And, this money can be used for anything from interview clothing, travel and accommodation to training and development resources and upskilling.

This grant is a one-off cash injection that doesn’t need to be paid back.


Read More – www.recruitmentgrapevine.com